The process that I went through to get from my first draft and final draft of project 3 was not exactly the same as many of the other ways I have handled my past project. It started the same as any other project. I started as a throwup draft. This is when I start by just putting as many words on the paper. They tend to be extremely messy with a lot of spelling and grammar errors. It also tends to not make much sense and looks like the ramblings from a mad man. I do this because by putting words on the paper I can being to rearrange the words to make more sense. However, during this essay, I wanted to try something different. As the perverse method tended to make my essays, even after I have reorganized them the words still jumbled up and just didn’t sound right. For my final paper, I tried something new. Instead of just throwing words on the page and then reorganizing them later I tried to make a structure from the very start. By doing the strategy I was able to make a much more comprehendible paper. This can be seen in the drafts and in the final draft. As I went through the drafts my basic idea was to start off by talking about the pandemic and how would you change people. I then went into the first big argument or topic explaining how the lack of physical in psychological contact with other people as we were all isolated affected people, as well as how this can be seen in past pandemics. I then talked about the psychological effect of the pandemic and how it affected people’s emotions and well-being. I didn’t wrap it up explaining how people may view us in this pandemic in later centuries.