The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.

The artifact that I have chosen to represent standard #10: leadership and collaboration is my interdisciplinary learning experience from Edu 303. For this assignment, we were partnered up with two to three different education Majors who each had a different content area they wished to go into. We were then tasked with coming up with a lesson or activity that used all three of the content areas that each major wished to teach. I believe that this activity aligns with CCTS 8  because for this activity we had to collaborate with multiple other Ed professionals and colleagues in order to ensure that we could create a lesson our students would both learn and grow from.

This assignment really gave me an interesting look and how lesson plans are made and how to collaborate with other colleagues in order to make lessons. Before this assignment, I had made lesson plans that I had personally made but did not have to collaborate or work with anybody else. In this assignment, I was forced to not only work with other people but also incorporate content areas that I was not specifically strong in. Doing it forced me to think outside the box and work with a team of other educators to come up with new ways of not only making a lesson plan making a lesson plan that conveyed all of the information that needed to be put across.  As well as to ensure the Learners are able to grow and actually gain something meaningful from the lesson as a whole.