The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

The artifact I have chosen to represent standard #8: instructional strategies is assignment 2 from Edu 303. For this assignment, we were tasked to come up with two different assignments on a book of our choosing. In the first assignment, we had to make the students passive readers and learners. In the second assignment, we got to make the students active learners of users of the texts. I believe that this activity aligns with CCTS 8 because the activity we had to find ways to make sure students were engaged with the text as well as to make sure they would also build important skills that they may need.

This assignment helps me to develop my instructional strategies by forcing me to look and not just keep kids engaged in the lesson but also to make sure the students get something out of the lesson. While I have made other assignments and activities before the focus was on making sure that students were engaged in the text and that it was not made to cater type of student. However, in this assignment, I had to think about not just making the activity fun and engaging but also how I could make it so students would gain not only a deeper understanding of what they are reading but also build and apply skills that they will need.