Throughout the Coivd 19 pandemic, I have learned a lot about myself and my family. I found out that many ideas I believed everyone shared as humans turned out to be wrong and that many people have vary different ideas. As well as that the world is way more fractured and complicated than I originally had thought The main thing that the pandemic taught me about myself is that I don’t truly understand how fractured the world truly is, and how many people have extremely different opinions. Before the pandemic, I believe that for the most part America was a very United Country. I knew that there were palitcaly parties but I always just assumed that it wasn’t a huge issue and that we all for the most part agreed on certain basic fundamental ideas. However I leard that this is not the case. Over the course of the pandemic as I was watching the news and reading articles I found out that people have extremely different ideologies in the political parties are more viewed as rivalries each side constantly trying to show that the other one is evil and that they are right well often times ignoring any harm they’re doing to the people. I never truly realized or understood how politically divided our country was and how for extremes on both sides go. I saw this as well when I was working at the grocery store over the summer during the pandemic more people would come in without wearing face coverings and would proceed to fight and yell at us despite us having little to no control over the situation. In other words, they were yelling at kids because they believed their political views were Superior I believe that we were infringing on their rights even though there was nothing we could do. We were just simply the messengers. Another thing I learned about myself over the pandemic is that I tend to believe most of the stuff that is fed to me by the media and tend not to question when I reading. Over the course of the pandemic I read many articles about covid-19 and in many other issues. However when I read these articles at first I always assumed they were true but when I found other articles contradicting them or just flat-out showing their wrong I begin to realize I don’t question what I read in where I get my information from. I always just assume that everything the news and other media Outlets such as the newspapers would only bring factual information. However As the pandemic progressed and I begin to read more and more about it I learned that many of the things I thought were true we’re actually false. This made me begin to question more and more of what I read as I didn’t want to be tricked into believing something that was false again. I also learned a lot about my family over the course of the pandemic. As I have previously stated I talked about how I believed that the most part the world was a very United place and we all agreed on fundamental core beliefs. This same Narrative of thinking plaid to my family as well, I assumed that for the most part because we’re all family that we all had the same fundamental core values and ideas. However I found out that this was far from the case and that many members of my family believe in extreme ideas on both sides of the political idea illogical Spectrum. I began to discover that many of the ideas I believe we’re base for human values were not some to some of my family members as well as for some of my friends. I also be interested out that many of my family and friends have a strong distrust for government and that some did not believe in the science around the pandemic. Often when I spoke to them about it they would talk about how they did not believe certain scientific facts about the pandemic and how some of them believed the government was just doing this to hurt them. This is very interesting to me as I believe for the most part the exact opposite. My views regarding the pandemic personally were very closely tied to the science of it. Overall what the pandemic has taught me is that many people have very different views on many different things these can be family members friends or random the people you don’t even know. As well as always question what you read it as many people will attempt to trick you into believing that their ideology and their group is correct dispite if it is actually true or not.